Actual Freedom – Definitions


MAD; Magicality; Make a Mountain out of a Molehill

Mala Fide; Malcontent; Malpractice / Mispractice; Manifester

Masts; Mataeology; Materteral/Materine; Matter-of-Course

Mayhap; Meanspirited; Megalomania; Menage; Mentalism

Mercurial; Mephitic; Meretricious; Messiah; Mess of Pottage

Metaphysic; Metaphysician; Metempirical; Methinks


Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD): a situation where the nuclear arsenals of opposed nation states or alliances are approximately equivalent in capacity and invulnerability so that (a.) neither could inflict sufficient damage on the other to immobilise it and prevent a retaliatory attack and (b.) unacceptably high levels of destruction would inevitably result for both parties to the conflict if one were to launch an attack given that mechanisms for automatic retaliation are built-in to defence systems; apart from the ever-present risk of nuclear war happening by accident, a further weakness of strategic thinking based on MAD is that it encouraged a continuous escalation of the arms race. ~ (Collins Dictionary of Sociology).


magicality (n.): the condition or quality of being magical; [e.g.]: “A final play, ‘Magicality’, about a fit-up touring company in the 1940s and 1950s, received a reading at a 2012 Dalkey festival but had not been produced or published by 2014”. (“Hugh Leonard”, by Patrick Maume; published Dec 2014, Dictionary of Irish Biography). [from magical +‎ -ity]. ~ (Online Neoteric Dictionary). [].

Make a Mountain out of a Molehill:

[Dictionary Definition]: ‘Make a mountain out of a molehill: attribute great importance to something, esp. a difficulty or grievance, which is really insignificant’. (Oxford Dictionary).

Mala fide:

mala fide (adv. & adj.): with or in bad faith. [Latin malā fidē; from malā, feminine ablative of malus, ‘bad’ + fidē , ablative of fidēs, ‘faith’]. ~ (American Heritage Dictionary).


[Dictionary Definition]: ‘malcontent: discontented, dissatisfied; inclined to rebellion or mutiny; restless and disaffected; a malcontent person; a state of discontentment (synonyms: grumbler, complainer, moaner, fault-finder, carper, agitator, troublemaker, mischief-maker, rebel, dissentient; inf. grouser, griper, nit-picker, bellyacher, beefer, stirrer’. (Oxford Dictionary).


Malpractice (n.): [...]; 3. the act or an instance of improper practice; (n.): malpractitioner. ~ (American Heritage Dictionary).


Mispractice (n.): wrong practice; misdeed; misconduct. ~ (Century Dictionary and Cyclopaedia).


manifester (n.): a person or thing which manifests something. ~ (Collins English Dictionary).


‘Masts’ (male) and ‘Mastanis’ (female) are described by Mr. Mervin Irani (aka Meher Baba) as God-mad, God-intoxicated and God-merged.


Masts Pronunciation:

pronunciation: ‘musts’.




matter-of-course (n.): expected or depended upon as a natural or rational outcome. ~ (Princeton’s WordNet 3.0).


mayhap (adv.; archaic or poetic): possibly but not certainly; (synonyms): perhaps, probably, maybe, possibly, by chance, for all you know; (archaic): perchance, peradventure, haply; [e.g.]: “Are we, mayhap, overlooking one small detail?”~ (Collins English Thesaurus).



Megalomania (n.): 1. a psychopathological condition characterised by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence; 2. an obsession with grandiose or extravagant things or actions; (adj.): megalomanic, megalomaniacal; (n.): megalomaniac. ~ (American Heritage Dictionary).


ménage (n.): people living together as a unit; a household; the management of a household. ~ (American Heritage Dictionary).


mentalism (n.): the doctrine that mind is the fundamental reality and that objects of knowledge exist only as aspects of the subject’s consciousness; cf. idealism; (adj.): mentalistic; (adv.): *mentalistically*; (n.): mentalist. [emphasis added]. ~ (Collins English Dictionary).




meretricious (adj.): 1. (a.) attracting attention in a vulgar manner; [e.g.]: “meretricious ornamentation”; (b.) plausible but false or insincere; specious; [e.g.]: “made a meretricious argument”; 2. of or relating to prostitutes or prostitution; [e.g.]: “meretricious relationships”; (adv.): meretriciously; (n.): meretriciousness. [Latin meretrīcius, ‘of prostitutes’, from meretrīx, meretrīc-, ‘prostitute’, from merēre, ‘to earn money’]. ~ (American Heritage Dictionary).

meretricious (adj.): 1. (a.) attracting attention in a vulgar manner; (b.) plausible but false or insincere; specious; [e.g.]: “made a meretricious argument”; 2. of or relating to prostitutes or prostitution; (adj.): meretriciously. ~ (American Heritage Dictionary).


[Dictionary Definition]: ‘Messiah: [(O)Fr. Messie f. pop.L Messias f. Gk Messias f. Aram. mesiha, Heb. mashiah anointed, f. mashah anoint. Mod. form Messiah created by the Geneva translators of 1560 as looking more Hebraic than Messias]: the promised deliverer of the Jewish nation prophesied in the Hebrew Scriptures; Jesus regarded as the saviour of humankind’. (Oxford Dictionary).

Mess of Pottage’:

• mess of pottage: something valueless or trivial or of inferior value – used especially of something accepted instead of a rightful thing of far greater value. [Middle English ‘mes of potage’; from allusion to Esau’s selling of his birthright (in Genesis 25:29-34) to his twin brother Jacob for a mess of pottage]. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).

• A mess of pottage is something immediately attractive but of little value taken foolishly and carelessly in exchange for something more distant and perhaps less tangible but immensely more valuable. (


Metaphysic (n.): an underlying philosophical or theoretical principle; [e.g.]: “a belief in luck, the metaphysic of the gambler”. ~ (American Heritage Dictionary).


[Dictionary Definition]: ‘metaphysician: an expert in or student of metaphysics’. (Oxford Dictionary).


• metempirical (a.) related, or belonging, to the objects of knowledge within the province of metempirics; [e.g.]: “If then the empirical designates the province we include within the range of science, the province we exclude may be fitly styled the metempirical”. (George H. Lewes). ~ (Webster’s 1913 Dictionary). 

• metempirical (adj.): (in metaphysics) beyond or outside of experience; not based on experience; transcendental; à priori; opposed to empirical or experiential; [e.g.]: “The metempirical region is the void where Speculation roams unchecked, where Sense has no footing, where Experiment can exercise no control, and where Calculation ends in impossible quantities”. G. H. Lewes, (Probs. of Life and Mind, I. i. §15). [from Greek μετά (metá), ‘beyond’ + έμπειρια (émpeiria), ‘experience’ + al: see empiric; viz.: “pertaining to or derived from experience or experiments; depending upon or derived from the observation of phenomena”; cf. metempiric⁽*⁾]. ~ (1911 Century Dictionary & Cyclopaedia).

⁽*⁾• metempirics (n.): the concepts and relations which are conceived as beyond, and yet as related to, the knowledge gained by experience; (adj.): metempirical: related, or belonging, to the objects of knowledge within the province of metempirics; [e.g.]: “If then the empirical designates the province we include within the range of science, the province we exclude may be fitly styled the metempirical”. ~ G. H. Lewes; (n.): metempiricism: the science that is concerned with metempirics. ~ (‌Webster’s 1913 Dictionary).


Methinks: lit. ‘to me it seems’, from Old English mē thyncth; mē, ‘to me’ + thyncth, ‘it seems’.



The Third Alternative

(Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body)

Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one.

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