Actual Freedom – The Third Alternative Definitions

160 Million War Deaths

Democracies; Most Populous Nation

160 Million War Deaths:

That figure (160,000,000) is total deaths – both civilian and military – during wars in that period (38,000,000 of them were battlefield deaths).
The events of 1939-45 alone, where the estimates of the total number of dead are of such an unknowable magnitude as to be couched in terms of ‘give-or-take’ 10,000,000 human beings either way of an estimated 55,000,000 – with a further estimate of at least 11,000,000 people, at the war’s end, being classified as DP’s (displaced persons) – go some way towards comprehending the scale of the mayhem and misery, the animosity and anguish, which epitomises the human condition.
Yet even so, it was not war itself which was the greatest threat to life and limb in the twentieth century: the number of citizens dead at the hands of autocratic governments in the last 100 years (via genocide, politicide, mass murder, extra-judicial executions, starvation/ privation, and so forth) is statistically estimated to be a probable 262,000,000 peoples ... as a mid-estimate formed from the possible low-range/ high range estimates.
And the scale of that mid-range figure (262,000,000) is not only hard to digest it is difficult to properly comprehend just how many persons – men, women, and children – this is. For example, if all of those citizens killed by governments, during that period alone, were to have inhabited a country of their own then it would be the world’s fourth most populous nation. Vis.:

1. China: 1,343,239,923
2. India: 1,205,073,612
3. USA: 313,847,465
4. Indonesia: 248,645,008
5. Brazil: 199,321,413
(, 2012)

Or, for another illustration, if one were to sit on a chair in a room and have that amount of people come in one door, go by at a walking pace without stopping, and exit through another door, for 24 hours a day 365 days a year, it would take about nine years for all to pass by.
Put graphically: assuming that the average height of these murdered citizens was little more than five feet, because of the many children killed, their corpses would encircle this planet about ten times.
Whereas the battle-field cadavers (38,000,000) for the same period would barely girdle the earth once. (Source: by Prof. Rudolph Rummel.)


Autocratic Governments:

Yet even so, it was not war itself which was the greatest threat to life and limb in the twentieth century: the number of citizens dead at the hands of autocratic governments in the last 100 years (via genocide, politicide, mass murder, extra-judicial executions, starvation/ privation, and so forth) is statistically estimated to be a probable 262,000,000 peoples ... as a mid-estimate formed from the possible low-range/ high range estimates.
And the scale of that mid-range figure (262,000,000) is not only hard to digest it is difficult to properly comprehend just how many persons – men, women, and children – this is. For example, if all of those citizens killed by governments, during that period alone, were to have inhabited a country of their own then it would be the world’s fourth most populous nation. Vis.:

1. China: 1,343,239,923
2. India: 1,205,073,612
3. USA: 313,847,465
4. Indonesia: 248,645,008
5. Brazil: 199,321,413
(, 2012)

Or, for another illustration, if one were to sit on a chair in a room and have that amount of people come in one door, go by at a walking pace without stopping, and exit through another door, for 24 hours a day 365 days a year, it would take about nine years for all to pass by.
Put graphically: assuming that the average height of these murdered citizens was little more than five feet, because of the many children killed, their corpses would encircle this planet about ten times.
Whereas the battle-field cadavers (38,000,000) for the same period would barely girdle the earth once. (Source: by Prof. Rudolph Rummel.)



Democracies are decidedly safer for its peoples: the number of citizens dead at the hands of autocratic governments in the last 100 years (via genocide, politicide, mass murder, extra-judicial executions, starvation/ privation, and so forth) is statistically estimated to be a probable 262,000,000 peoples (And that is a mid-estimate formed from all the possible low-range/ high range estimates).

The scale of that mid-range figure (262,000,000) is not only hard to digest it is difficult to properly comprehend just how many persons – men, women, and children – this is. For example, if all of those citizens killed by governments, in the twentieth century alone, were to have inhabited a country of their own then it would be the world’s fourth most populous nation. Vis.:

1. China: 1,343,239,923
2. India: 1,205,073,612
3. USA: 313,847,465
4. Indonesia: 248,645,008
5. Brazil: 199,321,413
(, 2012)

Or, for another illustration, if one were to sit on a chair in a room and have that amount of people come in one door, go by at a walking pace without stopping, and exit through another door, for 24 hours a day 365 days a year, it would take about nine years for all to pass by.

Put graphically: assuming that the average height of these murdered citizens was little more than five feet, because of the many children killed, their corpses would encircle this planet about ten times.

Whereas the battle-field cadavers (38,000,000) for the same period would barely girdle the earth once.


The World’s Fourth Most Populous Nation:

1. China: 1,343,239,923
2. India: 1,205,073,612
3. USA: 313,847,465
4. Indonesia: 248,645,008
5. Brazil: 199,321,413
(, 2012)



The Third Alternative

(Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body)

Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one.

Richard's Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-.  All Rights Reserved.

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